I am a master of meditation in Osaka. What does the meditator feel and observe with the eyes of the heart? Let's clarify all that. As meditation deepens, he feels and sees various things in his mind with his eyes. I currently research here.

This is a trial version. I correct the sentence at Sep 22.


Mind space
 This figure is a space in the mind. The mind space is almost a rectangle. I did not draw both sides. The meditation uses front, top, back and bottom. (I will explained left and right side later.) 

There are 8 parts. There is actually more. Each part leads to a different part of the brain. Meditators can feel different things from each part. I painted my favorite color. Actually, these are not such color.

Each part
This is the first in the world to clarify. This is very important for advanced meditation people. The right is the right hand side. The left is the left hand side. This is not completely accurate. There is a possibility that it is off by one. The meditator experiences such a thing.

Front 1 (yellow green) - Reverse the stage from 84 to 0.
Front 2 (orange) - Current stage of meditation . He stimulates here to step up stages.
Front 3 (sky / pink)- Connect with men & women. Women connect from the left side. The men connect from the right side. They are in same spirit group as him.The period is different for each meditation stage. Men and women at the same stage are connected by a red thread.
Front 4 (blue / red)- Part 2 Men & women. Invisible bodies enter and connect with them. The men connect from the right side(blue). The women connect from left side(red). He can connect his eternal lover here.
Front 5 (sky blue)-  Dissociation. Enter here 
Front 6 (purple)- He goes backwards from stage 84 dissociation. 84,83,82... Spiritual sense, clairvoyance, Natural psychics use here. You can hear a mysterious voice when you raise it by 4 levels (up to stage 81). You can get clairvoyance with 5 steps (up to stage 80).

top (dark gray) - Chakra reverse from the stage 840 to 0. Stimulating the lower part (it is around the mouth), you raise the stage.  When you do so, feel tailbone ,navel, breast, throat. head ... You feel it rise from below the spine.

top (Yellow) - Chakra. He enters the chakra from here.

Bottom - Still not clear
Front 1 (yellow green) - Reverse the chakra from lap 84x10 to 0. He feels the theme here. Or he connects guide spirits.
Front 2 (orange) - Theme of current stage in meditation
Front 3 (sky / pink) - Man & women part 1
Front 4 (gray brown) - men & women Part 2
Front 5 (sky blue) - Developmental psychology theme Slightly wet
Front 6 (purple)- Reverse the stages theme. In order from 84,83,82...

Explore these areas with meditation. All the part theme is not completely accurate. But meditation masters around the world will know if there is a hint. They will find new area.

 A meditator can be aware of aliens, men and women, and guardian spirits that connect with his mind. But many don't know this. This is suspected. Then I have prepared a program for meditators to experience them.

Think it. "By the power made in Japan, let me experience ----. Please. "
When you think so, you can experience it by the invisible machine. Put number or name of meditation "----". And let's meditate.

1, Meditation to connect woman and men
 Above Front 4 (blue / red). Men and women connected. In stage 1 they change in about 3 minutes.
2, Meditation to experience chakra
Back top (yellow) - Chakra. Meditator goes to the current chakra stage.

3, Meditation Developmental psychology theme
Bottom Front 5 (sky blue) - Developmental psychology theme, Slightly wet. Psychological task of age. Stage theme x 3= Age. Age/3 = stage n.

I will clarify the each parts from now on. looking forward to.

See you.